WISO 御守哨是全球第一的智慧安全哨。WISO 將傳統的哨子結合藍芽晶片, 搭配APP和地圖追蹤功能。所以吹哨不僅僅警示附近的陌生人, 還能夠直接通知親友, 提供最直接的幫忙。 按鈕或是吹哨直接啟動之後,馬上撥出手機的電話, 發出三封簡訊跟電子郵件, 簡訊跟電子郵件都附有持續更新的地圖資料。 最多可以同時聯絡七個親友。WISO 有超強待機時間, 電力可以持續兩個多月,省去使用者需要每天充電的困擾。
除了實用的功能,我們也特別設計了這款產品。哨子 重量只有 12公克, 就是一根棒棒糖的重量。雙曲面的流線外觀,18公克的小巧輕便,高拉力等級的矽膠掛帶,目的是希望使用者可以又時尚又安心。
WISO is the world’s first smart whistle. It is a combination of whistle, Bluetooth technology and GPS location feature. WISO can notify your families and friends immediately when you need help. Once it is activated, it automatically calls, messages and emails your per-determined contacts with constantly updated map info, and up to 7 people at a time. The battery lasts for 2 months, save the trouble of having to recharge every single night.
It weights only 12grams. The attactive design, the colour and the stretchy straps are determined to keep users safe and stylish at the same time. The design of WISO was specifically catered to female. As such, WISO was designed to be a personal gadget that allows users to hang it on the bag or on their key chain rather than being a wrist band or jewelry. The stretchable rubber provides users with easy access to the device during an emergency.
By utilizing our dedication in user interface design and app development, WISO is the first brainchild of our ME engineers and marketing staff, who wish to generate a simple, functional and affordable safety technology for one of our engineer's daughter.
We wish you and your loved ones will like it too.