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【2016 ECho Cloud System 多渠道雙向同步旅宿雲端移動系統】



【2016 ECho Cloud System 多渠道雙向同步旅宿雲端移動系統:介紹】

旅宿雲端迴聲管理系統 ECho System


獲SBIR專案補助開發ECho Cloud Boss APP,讓旅宿業者隨身同步控房沒煩惱。有了愛客老闆APP再也不需要守著電腦或筆記本來管理房況。





This demand of solution was started in 2009, we helped a BNB owner in Taitung-Taiwan.
They got marketing problem, lacking knowledge on EC, no idea with market, didn't know how to link into the world, and low budget to solve problem.

We consult some Online-Channel-Management-System(CM) company in Europe(The First CM Service born in 2009). 
We combined many different technology and created our-own e-services to make a private cloud to solve this problem.We did a great successful job and delivered this project in 2010. 

"What If we rebuild this system structure, maybe we can help more than One property owner in a cloud? " (ICEWOODS INC. founder asked all crews.) 
After the Taitung project closed, we decided executing a new big plan. We knew it's spend a lot, but we just did it.

2010-2012, we visited more than 300 hotel/bnb/property owners, driven 100,000 km, tape more than 200 hrs for interview and local-landscape , write down 2 Million words, collect 100,000 fans on Facebook, re-write the code N times, improve the system any minute. Until we thought it worked. Alpha test in 2010~2011, the first close Beta started in 2012 ; open beta in 2014/12. 

Mobile App beta delivered in 2015/12.

We created cloud service to control many OTA(Online Travel Agency) channel from Alpha test to Open-beta.(V.0-V.2)
Multi-Channel Two-Way Sync-up Management and Mobile real time Cloud beta. (more innovation proved and learn) (V.3-V.4)
NEW Version is developing......




這個想法實際上始於 2009 年,當時在接受一個台灣台東旅宿主的一個委託案後,解決了這個旅宿主的訂單問題、科技落差、行銷問題、管理問題、效率問題等。深深覺得可以將此模式改為公有服務提供給更多人使用;因此開始了創新服務的起端。

之後更搭建起有豐富內容的 TOURWOODS 作為前台導入機制。
2011~2014訪談、接洽全台的旅宿主,不斷優化軟體與網際網路雲服務功能,充實資料庫等各種業務環節。李健輝表示這段期間內冰河森林跑遍了全台累積十幾萬公里里程數,一一拜訪 300 多個旅宿主來深刻了解他們經營上所面臨問題最真實的一面,並結合他們原本所擅長的文創內容能力,一共在 Facebook 上累積兩百多萬字的心得文章,並拍了長達兩百多個小時影片來同時介紹台灣旅宿。


2009 專案起;

2010 開始封閉式架構服務改為公有雲與混合雲,修改為開放式架構

2010~2011 Alpha 版

2012年 發表 Close Beta 版

2012~2014 除了拜訪旅宿主,也根據旅宿主反饋持續修正以及增加功能

2014 發表 Open Beta 版

2015 發表移動版 Alpha版

2015 發表移動版 Beta 版


This demand of solution was started in 2009, we helped a BNB owner in Taitung-Taiwan.
They got marketing problem, lacking knowledge on EC, no idea with market, didn't know how to link into the world, and low 

budget to solve problem.

We consult some Online-Channel-Management-System(CM) company in Europe(The First CM Service born in 2009). 
We combined many different technology and created our-own e-services to make a private cloud to solve this problem.We did a great successful job and delivered this project in 2010. 

"What If we rebuild this system structure, maybe we can help more than One property owner in a cloud? " (ICEWOODS INC. founder asked all crews.) 
After the Taitung project closed, we decided executing a new big plan. We knew it's spend a lot, but we just did it.

2010-2012, we visited more than 300 hotel/bnb/property owners, driven 100,000 km, tape more than 200 hrs for interview and local-landscape , write down 2 Million words, collect 100,000 fans on Facebook, re-write the code N times, improve the system any minute. Until we thought it worked. Alpha test in 2010~2011, the first close Beta started in 2012 ; open beta in 2014/12. 

Mobile App beta delivered in 2015/12.

We created cloud service to control many OTA(Online Travel Agency) channel from Alpha test to Open-beta.(V.0-V.2)
Multi-Channel Two-Way Sync-up Management and Mobile real time Cloud beta. (more innovation proved and learn) (V.3-V.4)
NEW Version is developing......


* 資安認證:2015 ISO27001:2013 (2015/12, SGS)

* 獎項: 2014 文創之星,文化部,台灣
* 獎項: 2015 金炬獎-年度最佳創新獎,傑出企業管理人協會,台灣(副總統頒獎)
* 獲核: 2015 工研院創新俱樂部
* 獲助: 2015 台北市政府SBIR創新型研發補助
* 獲薦: 2015 全球智慧渠道同步管理科技公司前15強,在線旅遊巨擘EXPEDIA,美國拉斯維加斯
* 獎項: 2016 金峰獎-年度最佳產品獎,傑出企業管理人協會,台灣(副總統頒獎)
* 獲薦: 2016 台灣雲端12強,經濟部,Computex,台灣
* 獲薦: 2016 嚴選台灣21軟體公司,中華民國軟體協會, 日本發行書籍
* 獎項: 2016 金漾獎,經濟部工業局,台北國際軟體展

* Certificate : ISO27001:2013 (2015/12, SGS)

* Award: 2014 Taiwan(ROC) Government Culture & Innovation Star Award (Ministry of Culture)
* Award: 2015 Taiwan(ROC) Government Golden Torch Award (Given by Vice president)
* Announced: 2015 Top Channel Manager Tech 15 in the World (EXPEDIA, LV US)
* invited: Taiwan ITRI TechVenture Club 2015
* Allowance: 2015 Taipei City government SBIR
* Award: 2016 Taiwan(ROC) Government Golden Peak Award (Given by Vice president)
* Announced: 2016 Top Cloud Tech 15 in Taiwan (MOEA Taiwan, Taipei Computex2016)
* Announced: 2016 Selected Software Company TOP 21 in Taiwan (CISA Taiwan, Print/Sell in Japan )
* Award: 2016 Taiwan(ROC) Government Golden Young Award (MOEA)

確認代碼: 驗證圖碼 換一張圖