For governments and businesses, implementing IoT networks for cities/industries on tight budgets is too time, cost, and resource expensive. In addition, the lifespan of IoT networks is short. THINKTANK enables governments/companies to develop a pre-IoT solution based on AI-IoP (Artificial Intelligence) - (Internet of People) network because currently:
City governments/Businesses are not unified entities: different municipal agencies/departments often operate in their own silos.
Municipalities/Departments have a tough time acquiring and retaining top-tier IT talent.
Procurement processes for Businesses/city agencies acquiring new technology (IoT) usually requires a longer time-frame.
IDEAS SHOW 2015: Top 20 ideas for Taiwan.
Ideas-Show-X-Fukuoka-2016: top 10 team, Fukuoka, Japan.
Asia-Beat-2016: top 10 team atworks, Xiamen, China.
Smart City & IOT Summit/Expo, Taipei: top-5 team, Orange FAB Asia
IDEAS SHOW+ 2016: Top 12 teams for Taiwan.